AODA Multi-Year Accessibility Plan

Date Last Modified: 2023-10-24

Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) – Multi-Year Accessibility Plan


All goods and services provided by Chicopee will follow the principles of dignity, independence, integration, and equal opportunity.

Chicopee is committed to meeting the requirements of the Customer Service and Integrated Standards under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005. It applies to the provision of goods and services to the public or other third parties, including all employment services.



Chicopee has a history of supporting the needs of persons with disabilities in our customer services and our employment.

  • We host Waterloo Track 3 who provide children and youth with disabilities the opportunity to safely experience the pleasure of downhill skiing as a leisure activity at the Chicopee Ski Club.
  • We have worked with an individual to safely transport a service animal on our lifts.
  • We have modified work plans and/or provide accessible documents and communications for our employees

Chicopee strives to meet the needs of its employees and customers with disabilities and is working hard to remove and prevent barriers to accessibility.

Chicopee is committed to fulfilling our requirements under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005. This accessibility plan outlines the steps we are taking to meet those requirements and to improve opportunities for people with disabilities. Our plan shows how we will play our role in making Ontario an accessible province for all Ontarians. This plan is reviewed and updated at lease once every 5 years.

We train every person as soon as practicable after being hired and provide training in respect to any changes to the policy.  Training includes the following:

  • A review of the purpose of AODA.
  • A review of the purpose of the Customer Service Standard.
  • How to interact and communicate with persons with various types of disability.
  • How to interact with persons with disabilities who use an assistive device or require the assistance of a guide dog or other service animal or the assistance of a support person.
  • How to use equipment or devices available premises that may help with the provision of goods, services or facilities to a person with a disability.
  • What to do if a person with a particular type of disability is having difficulty accessing goods, services or facilities.

We maintain individual records of the training provided including the dates of which the training was provided.

Past Achievement to Remove and Prevent Barriers

Chicopee has completed the following accessibility initiatives.

Customer Service

Employees have received training on providing services customers with individual needs, in compliance with AODA. (Examples: assisting those with adaptive equipment to and from the facility, reading to guests who require assistance with print materials, assisting guest with equipment who require physical assistance to ski, snowboard, or get their equipment on, etc.)

Safety procedures are reviewed and practiced to assist customers with individual needs in emergencies (Examples: Lift Evacuation, Fire, etc.).

Chicopee collaborates with the Track 3 association to offer adaptive equipment for individual need, including sit-skis, out riggers, adaptive gear, enabling people with varying physical abilities to experience the sport of skiing.

Information and Communication

Chicopee has provided our updated AODA policy to all employees and updated it on our website.

Chicopee has read written information aloud to employees and customers as required.

Chicopee has provided hands on support for computer input to employees and customers as requested.

Chicopee has provided print material and large print material for those in need.


Chicopee has communicated that accommodations are available during the application process for persons with disabilities.

Chicopee has provided accommodation to persons with disabilities during the application process.

Chicopee has provided accommodation to employees with disabilities.


Chicopee has trained all our employees on the following – AODA Customer Service and Integrated Standards Understanding Human Rights (AODA Edition).

Design of Public Spaces

Chicopee has modified some legacy space to provide accessible access and accessible washrooms, including the installation of accessible ramps and pathways.

Designated accessible parking spaces have been increased, located in close proximity to the ski hill entrance, from both parking lots.

Strategies and Actions

Customer Service

Chicopee is committed to providing accessible customer service to persons with disabilities. This means we will provide goods, services and facilities to people with disabilities with the same high quality and timeliness as others.

Chicopee will –

  • Train all new staff upon hire and cover AODA 2005, customer service, integration standards and how to interact with persons with disabilities.
  • Train staff on any revisions to the standard or our policy as soon as practicable after the change occurs.
  • Install a barrier free entry door to the chalet on the main level for the 23-24 winter season.

Information and Communication

Chicopee is committed to making our information and communications accessible to people with disabilities.

Chicopee will –

  • Provide information and communication in alternative methods as requested.


Chicopee is committed to fair and equitable employment practices.

Chicopee will –

  • Provide notification that accommodations to persons with disabilities are available upon request during the recruitment process, offer process, onboarding, and during employment.
  • Document any accommodation plans, return to work plans and involve the employee in development of these plans.

Self-serve kiosks

Chicopee is committed to incorporating accessibility features considering accessibility for individuals with disabilities when designing, procuring or acquiring self-service kiosks. Currently Chicopee has no self-serve kiosks.


Chicopee is committed to providing training in the requirements of Ontario’s accessibility laws and the Human rights code as it applies to people with disabilities.

Chicopee will –

  • Train all new employees at hire on –
    o   AODA Customer Service Standards
    o   AODA Integrated Standards
    o   Understanding Human Rights (AODA Edition)
  • Update all employees on any revision to AODA 2005 and Chicopee’s policy.

Design of Public Spaces

Chicopee is committed to meeting accessibility laws when building or making major changes to public spaces.

Chicopee will –

  • Be compliant with current codes when renovating our chalet in 2024-2025 in the parts that are renovated.

For more information on this Multi-Year Accessibility Plan please contact:

Liz Wadeson
519-894-5610 x231
396 Morrison Road, Kitchener ON 
N2A 2Z6

Our accessibility plan is posted at